Women in No Code, Amazon Honeycode Review, and Wix vs. Webflow 🥊

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I found this podcast that talks about Hey App and their challenges getting into the Apple App Store. Many of us are no code hobbyists but I think we all have dreams of one of our apps making it big - even to an app store. What can we learn from Hey App and how to get our no code apps out there despite Big Tech?


Ash, @ModernAfflatus, created a tutorial on how to made a no code journal in 29 minutes. Ash made mynocodejournal.com to help people get started with no code, especially those joining the #100DaysOfNoCode challenge.

Starting your no-code journey? Set your self up for success by building your own journal without writing a line of code!


A few weeks ago Amazon announced their own no code platform, Honeycode. The Webase team put together a guide on who its for and Honeycode's best features. Read the full review.

The top Pro and Con from Webase:

Pro: Honeycode merges the best parts of a spreadsheet, database, app builder, and automations tool to help businesses perform better operations.

Con: Apps made in Honeycode have limited capabilities.


No code maker, Colin Winhall made a Twitter thread of some of the top women in no code. The list includes makers like Tara Reed, NoCodeDevs members Romy Misra, and Mariam Hakobyan.


It looks like GlideApps may have some competition. SheetUI is a no code tool that lets users convert Google Sheets into web pages. SheetUI reached the front page of Hacker News.

"Your project makes it very easy for everyone to get started and not only those who know how to code, props on launching it." - fanciscop


Anh Lee asked on Twitter, which website builder to people prefer, Wix or Webflow? Webflow won hands down. However, Wix did win in simplicity for static websites. Carrd also got a shoutout.

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