#TechTuesday 💻 - Hiring No Code Developers

A community platform for makers to connect, learn, share and discover everything No Code. Users can follow, ask questions, start discussions, like, comment and share content.


Alex Gorin from Tabbli (one of our sponsors), shared how he launched a product that made it to the #5 spot on Product Hunt.

How we've created the new product for 3 hours and became #5 Product of the day on Product Hunt with 380+ upvotes. I speak about "Challenge" nowhttps://tabbli.com/blog/article-product-hunt-launching...


Check out this app built in Glide (in one weekend) that shows elderly folks when the best time to visit supermarkets.

Over the weekend I made an app to help health workers and the elderly know the best times to visit supermarkets because [INSERT EVERYTHING]

https://lnkd.in... 58 comments on LinkedIn


Tomorrow, #100daysofnocode founder Max will be hosting an AMA on Twitter. Follow the #100daysofnocode Twitter account for details.

The latest Tweets from 100DaysOfNoCode (@100daysnocode). Official #100DaysOfNoCode | The challenge supercharging #nocode learning | Created by @HainingMax


I recently learned about TigerCloud, a no code friendly company that provides database services. Check out their special offers for those assisting in Coronavirus efforts.

TigerGraph is offering free Cloud and Enterprise Edition use for applications requiring massive data or high computation needs for Coronavirus research.


It's not just us, Recruiter.com believes no code developers are the future of tech but they ask, how do you hire a good one?

No-code and low-code applications are not going away; in fact, they may be the new normal as we look to the future of software development. - Andrew Haller

No-code developers represent a totally new paradigm, which means recruiters and hiring managers may have trouble finding the good ones.


I don't know about you, but I easily get overwhelmed with all the cool no code opportunities out there! Nooo Code shared a project planning tool, Toggl. I couldn't help but geek out and share. :)

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