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Airboxr is a no code querying tool for spreadsheets.

Featured Product: Airboxr 📦

Airboxr works within your spreadsheets and connects to all of your favorite data sources. Get your marketing, sales, operations, and finance data into your Google spreadsheet. Save your analysis and recreate it with one click.

How it works:

  • Add connections - Click a button to add all your data sources, or add your own spreadsheets as data sources.

  • Query data - Import data from your internal data sources or query our proprietary data sources.

  • Save for future use - Save your queries as "Hops", and run them on demand with a single click.

What we like about Airboxr:

  • You can connect your analysis to live data from all your sources

  • You can combine data without wasting time cleaning it yourself

  • Lots of templates to get started

  • Time-saving

  • Integrations with popular sources

  • Slack support

Featured Tweet 🐦

Video Spotlight: Build a no-code Metaverse with GMetri 💻

New tool of the week: Swing2App 🔧

Swing2App lets anyone create their own apps without coding through the use of easy guides and 24/7 support. 

  • Easy to edit - app layouts that you can customize easily using the app maker.

  • Native mobile app builder - build Android and iOS apps and upload on Google Play Store and App Store.

  • Turn your website into an app - convert your website to an app within 5 minutes using the website to app converter.

  • Notifications - Regular push notifications keep your users connected.

  • Supports all platforms - supports all website platforms like WordPress, Shopify, Wix, etc.

Swing2app website to mobile app converter is known for its “no code, no-hassle” feature. You only need to follow a few simple steps and your ideal mobile app for both Android and iOS platforms is just a few clicks away.

Daily Links 🔗

Build webpages that look like stories without code. Use prebuilt templates, branding and free stock images.


  • Optimized for mobile content

  • Webpage integration

  • Pre-built templates

  • Drag-and-drop components

Bravo Studios Bravissimo Plan is about to be gone forever, but you can still upgrade your plan and get unlimited unbranded apps for life. Offer lasts only until May 24th at midnight!

*Bravo free is there to stay. You can read about pricing plan updates here.

Our Awesome Site Partners 🤝

Create powerful apps and websites, without code.

Work the way you imagine

Build the perfect app for your business

Build scalable frontends, no coding required

Run your SaaS in one turnkey package

The easiest way to extract and monitor data from any website.

Build data products with no code

Hire no-code developers and experts in modern tools

An Integration Experience Your Users Will Love

Plug and play auth that grows with you

Build business applications in hours

Collect accurate data from any website

Tools for team collaboration, built by you

Build a Powerful, Scalable and Secure Backend

Powerful forms get it done

Build Beautiful Websites Without Code

App Making Made Simple.

Visual Web Development

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